Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hanging out around the fire pit roasting marshmellows

Cruising in the Cadi

We were going to dinner, and Mckenzie wanted to take the Cadillac. I told her no because grandpa had hurt his leg at the lake. Well she of course did not like my answer so she got grandpa out of bed and got him to take us to dinner in the cool car. When we got in Mckenzie said she needed a seat belt. She was quickly told there were none. It took her a minute to figure out she was ok not to have one.

This weekend we went to California to visit Grandpa and Grandma Kortz, and the Ericksons. We had so much fun. We went to the lake and skied. The girls even tried. Megan tried for 30 minutes and cried the whole time. Dallin tried to ski too, he got right up and then Megan wanted to do it and she was happy about it. She did much better too. It's all in the attitude.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mckenzie's Softball Tournament

Mckenzie had a tournament this weekend. They played 6 games and lost 2. They came in 4th out of 16 teams. She got to play a few new positions she hasn't played in a long time. She did a good job at them too. She got to play lots of 3rd base, just like her big sister :)

Check out my Slide Show!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

For the 4th of July we took the boat out to Echo Lake. We had a great time. Megan took and friend, Gerbers met us there. Nick,Chris, Merri, and the girls also came up. It was nice to get away from life and softball. Last weekend Meg had a tournament in Brigham City. We took the motorhome up and stayed at a nice campground. They took 4th place, and had a lot of fun.

Check out my Slide Show!

Check out my Slide Show!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Our bathing beauty would rather lay out than swim. Hmm wonder where she gets that from.