Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Jason

Char and the kids with their balloons and messages to send to Jason.

going, going, gone...

the whole gang.
Brandon, Char, Dallin, and uncle June bringing down the house.

Mckenzie and Dallin rocking out.
Char had a little get together this weekend to remember Jason. Something her and the kids are going to make a tradition of. We were invited so we flew out. We had a great time. The kids had to much fun, decorating balloons for Jason. We watched them until we couldn't see them any more. After dinner we went to Net Flow and played Rock Band. Can I say we brought down the house.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Shopping for the day in Los Angeles

We hit a store and we were very successful

Headed back to the airport

My friend from work and I took our girls to LA Saturday. We had a great time. We got some Christmas presents, the girls got some new bling bling jeans. Megan and I went to a Jean party several months ago and we bought a pair of jeans. We paid a lot more money for those jeans than we did Saturday. It was well worth the trip. Megan made some new friends and we had a fun mother ~ daughter date. We left early in the morning and we were back at 8pm that night. It's trips like these that make my job ok.

Friday, December 3, 2010

A fun busy week....

Good in the Hood Dinner ~ Auction

The homeless ugly dog
Raising Jonas' star at Make a wish...with most of his cousins
We were able to attend a Dinner put on by Good in the Hood. What a great time we had. It is amazing what a few people can do when they put their heads together. They are a bunch of young kids, that just want to help out and make their community a better place for all that live in it.
Brandon went to a meeting Tuesday night for Megan's softball team. He came home with a stray dog. The girls were all excited, thinking they were getting a new dog. Don't know why they want a new dog, they have an old dog they could care less about :) It was the ugliest thing I have seen. It scared me when he showed it to me. He fed it, gave it a bath, and took it to the shelter the next morning. Brandon was told if the owners don't come back in 3 days he would have the chance to adopt it first. Mckenzie kept asking about the dog, I kept telling her there was no way we would be bringing her back home. On the 3rd day Brandon went back to the shelter to see if it was still there. They told him the owners came in 1 hour after he had dropped her off. Some body was really missing their dog. Can I say I was so excited? I didn't want to be the bad guy and say "NO"
Thursday Jonas would of been 3. Wow I can't believe how time flies. He was able to go to Disneyland in November because of Make a Wish. We were invited by Whit and Lindsey to go see his star raised. What a great organization Make a Wish is. Whit and Lindsey got to pick his star and then they were able to decorate it. We watched it get raised with the others. We were able to see the room where the kids are able to make their wish. It sure makes you grateful for what we have. There are so many brave little kids out there (and parents) and some very giving people. Thanks Whit and Lindsey for including us. What a great way to celebrate a sweet little boy!!