Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ward Halloween Party

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween Loot

Who said "carving pumpkins" was supposed to be FUN

Finally the final products

Monday Mckenzie and I went to lunch with Lana Lilly (Eide)and Alex. We have been friends for forever. Any ways, Mckenzie begged for Alex to come over to play. So we invited him to come over and play on Tuesday. Mind you she is 9 years old and he is 1 year old and so very cute. So we called Lana and she brought him right over. She worked an all night shift, so was happy to get some real sleep. So Mckenzie was in hog heaven. She fed him lunch, changed his diaper, played and napped with him. We are so out of hte baby stage, but lucky for Alex not the doll stage. Mckenzie found a princess stroller and pushed him around the yard in it. Sorry Steve :) Mckenzie loved it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

All pooped out

Meet "Peter Pan"

Meg's rooting section

Viperz last tournament in Mesquite

Thursday, October 9, 2008

We took our Semi annual trip to St George. The Colemans were "ALL" too busy to join us. Oh well too bad for them. We still had fun. We did some things we don't normally do. We did miss them though.

St George