Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Finally Easter and more softball....

This weekend both girls had games. Megan had 3 at Murray Jr High. Mckenzie had a tournament in Roy. She had a game Friday night and early Saturday morning. Her and Brandon stayed up there. My dad and Glenda flew in Friday . We watched Megans 3 games Saturday, and made it to Roy to watch Mckenzies last 2 games.

The weather wasn't the best. Mckenzies game Saturday night rained the whole time. It was miserable. They played great in the "RAIN"

When we were in Napa, the 3 of us went to a party with some of Chars friends. It was lots of fun.

This year the girls thought they were "WAY" too cool to color eggs. We finally talked Mckenzie into coloring eggs with her dad.

All the loot from the Easter Bunny!

Haley and her cool aunt.

Mckenzie hunting eggs at the annual Egg Hunt.

Such a cute girl!


Mckenzie and her (2nd) cousin. She was in heaven.

Mckenzie and I flew to Napa for the annual Easter Party, the week after Easter. This was always something my mom loved to do. This year there were about 90 people there. She made us promise her we would continue her tradition. We dye eggs, hunt them, and then eat YUMMY food. This will probably be the last year. Char is moving to CO, my dad wants to sell the house. Its is supposedly for sale (on the down low) and it just isn't the same with out my mom. Michelle and her kids came. We had a great time.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

6 wins = a hair cut

Brandon got a hair cut the other day at practice. The girls started playing not too hot this season. In fact horrible :) Brandon made a deal with them. He told them if they won 6 games in a row, they could shave his head. That seemed to be all they needed. They won 6 in a row, and played great. The girls had so much fun, they thought they were so cool.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy 12th Birthday....

to our very own BUDAH baby. Mckenize was born today at 2:46pm 12 years ago, weighing in at 7 lbs 7oz and 19 1/2 inches long. Though she wasn't born too big, we called her BUDAH baby. She was so chunky. Oh how we love you Mckenzie and so glad you are in our family. She had her interview with the Bishop last night. I can't believe she is going to be in Young Women's. Not sure how she got to be 12 so fast. She is so excited :)