Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Mckenzie played basketball this year. She did great, for never playing before. She had so much fun and learned a lot. They won most of their games. She played point guard and shooting guard. She has found a new sport. No it is not replacing softball just adding too :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Birthday Parties....

First time behind the wheel. Saturday Megan and I went to the Church so she could practice in the parking lot. Thank goodness for parking lots. I drove us over and we switched seats. She got all buckled and then asked which one was the gas and which was the break. Needless to say I was a little worried. Yes she really asked the question. And then of course argued with me when I told which was which. She said well in Grandpas car it was different :) Yep that's my child. She did a great job. She is very nervous, but doing good.

Friday night Megan had a few friends over for her Birthday. It is so nice to have them older. I only had to supply the food and goodies. They entertain them selves. No more goodie bags, or silly games to play. Yes they even think "WE" are cool. They are a good bunch of kids. They can come over any time.
Yes the want a B sisters had to make a mess. It almost looks cute on them :)

OMGosh!! Her life is complete! She has pictures of her husband to hang on her wall. Yes did you all not get the memo, Megan is going to marry Justin Beiber. Grandma and Grandpa made these posters for her. I am going to take her Toms back, save lots of money and give her some posters :) For her birthday we ordered her a Bingham High Jacket. Pictures when we get it, she should have it in about a week.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Megan

One of my favorite pictures of Megan. She is 4 months old :)

Yes your eyes are not playing tricks on you. She does have her "PERMIT" YIKES!!! is right. Brandon took her this morning to take her test. She had to take it 2 times. Hopefully she knows more because she had to repeat it. She is so excited. Not sure yet when we will let her drive. I am not ready for this yet :) Can't believe she is 15 years old. She came into this world fighting for her life, and she is still a go getter. Way to go Meg we are so proud of you. You are a great daughter and a great sister. So are so happy you are in our family ~ Happy Birthday, We hope you have a great day!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

First at Bat for Bingham

First at bat ...... lots of butterflies

she got walked ~ good eye
first at bat. The sun was great, nice and warm it was in the worst spot to be taking pictures.

Since Mckenzie has not been mentioned in a few posts. Yes she is still part of our family :) I thought I would talk about her. For school she had to make a castle. Well of course we were going to be out of town when it was due, so she had to have hers finished before it was due. She and Brandon were up Wednesday night until about 1am putting the finishing touches on it. Pretty much poster board, and toilet paper cardboard rolls. It turned out great. Yeah for Brandon. I can copy most anything, but can't think it up myself. Brandon's brain works way different. Thanks goodness ~ I get out of making all the creative projects for school. We don't have final grade yet, but for all the time that was put into it she better get an "A"
We went to St George for the weekend. Bingham played in a tournament. JV played one game. Megan played the whole game. She started in Center Field and then played short stop. She did well. She has never played short before. She is loving it and having so much fun.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Saturday Wake up Call

Saturday morning Meg had a wake call she has never had before. The Juniors and Seniors from the team showed up at 6am. They barged into her room told her she had 2 minutes to get ready. They took all the Freshman to a team mates house and they made them breakfast. What a fun way to welcome them to the team and get to know each other.

Friday, March 4, 2011

She did it!!!

The first cut

The final cute ****Megan Dorney****

the second cut
Megan did it!! She made the Bingham High School Softball Team. Tryouts started on Monday and ended yesterday. The final cut was posted online at 12:30am. What a long week it has been. (I can't figure out how to get the pictures in order No matter how i have tried posting they get out of order) UGH!! Oh well this will have to do. Moving on. She is only a Freshman and they do not have a Freshman team. So she will be playing with the big GIRLS!! We are so proud of her. She has worked so hard for this moment :) She is still in JR High so we will have to pick her up everyday and take her to the High School. She is so excited. Cute Carly and her sister are taking her to lunch to CELEBRATE!!!