Thursday, March 17, 2011

First at Bat for Bingham

First at bat ...... lots of butterflies

she got walked ~ good eye
first at bat. The sun was great, nice and warm it was in the worst spot to be taking pictures.

Since Mckenzie has not been mentioned in a few posts. Yes she is still part of our family :) I thought I would talk about her. For school she had to make a castle. Well of course we were going to be out of town when it was due, so she had to have hers finished before it was due. She and Brandon were up Wednesday night until about 1am putting the finishing touches on it. Pretty much poster board, and toilet paper cardboard rolls. It turned out great. Yeah for Brandon. I can copy most anything, but can't think it up myself. Brandon's brain works way different. Thanks goodness ~ I get out of making all the creative projects for school. We don't have final grade yet, but for all the time that was put into it she better get an "A"
We went to St George for the weekend. Bingham played in a tournament. JV played one game. Megan played the whole game. She started in Center Field and then played short stop. She did well. She has never played short before. She is loving it and having so much fun.