Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Megan

One of my favorite pictures of Megan. She is 4 months old :)

Yes your eyes are not playing tricks on you. She does have her "PERMIT" YIKES!!! is right. Brandon took her this morning to take her test. She had to take it 2 times. Hopefully she knows more because she had to repeat it. She is so excited. Not sure yet when we will let her drive. I am not ready for this yet :) Can't believe she is 15 years old. She came into this world fighting for her life, and she is still a go getter. Way to go Meg we are so proud of you. You are a great daughter and a great sister. So are so happy you are in our family ~ Happy Birthday, We hope you have a great day!!


Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG!!!! Way to go Meg..good thing I live on the other side of town. My chances of running into you are slim. Oh just kidding, bet you'll do great! Happy Birthday from all of us!

Suz said...

Happy Birthday sweet girl! Love and miss you so much. I am so proud of you and all that you are accomplishing! What an amazing young woman!

Suz (and Kim, TJ and Rylee)