Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Jason

Char and the kids with their balloons and messages to send to Jason.

going, going, gone...

the whole gang.
Brandon, Char, Dallin, and uncle June bringing down the house.

Mckenzie and Dallin rocking out.
Char had a little get together this weekend to remember Jason. Something her and the kids are going to make a tradition of. We were invited so we flew out. We had a great time. The kids had to much fun, decorating balloons for Jason. We watched them until we couldn't see them any more. After dinner we went to Net Flow and played Rock Band. Can I say we brought down the house.


Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

What a great thing!! Happy Birthday Jason. Brandon has a pretty awesome face in one of those pictures.