Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Suprise Rylee!!!

Congratulations Megan!!!!

Meg had tryouts on Saturday. She got the call on Sunday, that she made the Viperz again. She was very excited. Brandon has stepped down as the head coach, and is going to be the assistant coach. The plan is to do that for a while, and then come down to coach Mckenzie.
Saturday after Megan got home, she asked me "Did dad say if I made the team or not?" She was cute. Very worried if she was going to make it or not. She said she did not do very good. So we have another busy season ahead of us. But it will be fun!!

Back to School dinner and ice cream

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Congratulations Mckenzie

This week Mckenzie tried out for an excelorated softball team. We got the call last night. She was chosen to play with the Bullets. She is excited, and can't wait for her first practice next week. Way to go Kenzie we are so proud of you!!!

First Day of Junior High

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First day of 4th grade

Sunday morning nap

Last All Star tournament

Decorating Megans school locker