Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our strwberry jelly making night

We made 19 quarts for jelly. Usually it is Char and I. Michelle was there so we put her to work. We were happy to have the extra help. It only took 4 hours instead of 5 :) Oh so worth the time. YUMMY!!!

Mothers of the "YEAR" award

We are the best moms ever. This is what we had for dinner Monday night. My dad and the Erickson boys went to the Giants game. Shirley came and we made pies. They were so good we decided to have them for dinner. Believe it or not no one complained.

The Annual Kortz Easter Egg Hunt

We went to Napa Friday. We had the annual Easter Party. No we have not lost it. We are aware Easter was several weeks ago. Michelles family planned several months ago to come out. We decided to hold off for them. We are so glad we did. We all had so much fun. There were about 70 people, yummy food, and lots of smiles :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring Break

The girls had a few days off for Easter. We went to St George and stayed in a Condo. It was just the 4 of us. It was very nice to get a way and spend time together with just "US." Saturday we went to Las Vegas. We rode the roller coasters, and walked around. The girls were little little when we were there last. They had a great time. They swam all day Friday and Sunday. It is hard to get them out of the pool to do anything.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Queen Millicent

Megan went to Riley's Birthday Party Friday night. They got to wear costumes. They were all given different parts. Way too much work Shuana :) She had a great time. Happy Birthday Riley. Thanks for the fun party!!

Bullets Pizza and Movie Party

Friday night Mckenzie had her softball team over to have pizza, watch a movie, and make flip flops to match their uniforms. We had 12 girls 8 & 9 years old. Don't be jealous :) They had a great time. They ate like boys and screamed like little girls.