Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pretty girls

The girls were outside being silly one day, and this is what we got.  Meg loves loves to take pictures.  She does a pretty good job, if I don't say so myself.  We went to Colorado for Thanksgiving.  Wouldn't you know it, I left the camera at home :( so no pictures of us all together.  Both my sisters live there now.  We had a great time being together.  We also spent some time with Brandons dad and Sandee.  This post is for you guys.  Nothing new here with our family, but didn't want to disapoint you with no posts :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

~ Let's go get our party on ~


"DISCO, DISCO" (I couldn't get my comb out)
                                                  "BABY I WAS BORN THIS WW-AA-YY"
Mckenzie came into the kitchen while I was making dinner and said "LETS GO GET OUR PARTY ON"
She has complained every Halloween for years that our house is NOT scary enough.  So Tuesday I went and got some "SCARY" stuff for next year.  I found these wigs for 2 bucks so I bought them.  She found them downstairs and began her new looks all by herself.   Yep she is weird!
All captions were done by Mckenzie herself :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween........

 Carving Pumpkins Sunday night

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
                     Super Man

 The girls came out to trick or treat in our neighborhood.  It was so fun to see them.
    Super Heros
 Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and Sister Kortz ~ couldn't find Elder Dorneys badge so he had to settle for mine :)  He is still cute regardless!
 I tried to make a frozen hand ~ but didn't have enough time for it to freeze.  The fingers broke off while taking it out of the glove :(
 They had so much fun last night. Gerbers came over for dinner and Trick or Treating.  Its so nice to have the kids old enough.  Us old folks got to hang out at home while the kids left.  Kenzie and Tayah were gone for forever.  We were talking and having fun, then realized we hadn't heard from the girls.  The older kids were back and down stairs watching a movie.  We called Mckenzie and Tayah and they were out having a ball, just the 2 of them :)