No catchers helmet, so she was smart and used a batting helmet.
Best Buds!!
3rd place in the Copper Classic.
All this for a slip and slide. Yes that is a shower cap and swim goggles. Can you say "NERDS"
Can't forget about Easton
Megan's first day of work. Yep that is right, Meg has a job. She wouldn't get up so I took it on her neatly made bed. She is working at Holiday Oil. A gas station/little store. A friends mom is the manager, and will work around her softball schedule. Yes its awesome.
Megan and Tevita at the Bees game.
Kenzie and Tayah at the game.
Yes they both got a ball. They hung out by the dugout.
Our latest project. Painted the wicker chairs brown and made cute pillows.
Brandon has been working on this in the back yard, growing grass for the fire pit. We love it!