Monday, August 6, 2012

Fire cracker in Colorado

 Mckenzie showing off some of her pin trading
 the team just hanging out

 Brandon leading the pack

 Grandpa Dorney, Aunt Shirley and cousin Ethan ~ Megans rooting section
 Columbine Memorial

 The Allstar team Mckenzie and Tayah played on.
 Tired after a long days of games
 Putting koolaid in Mckenies hair

 The Rockies game, purple row of seats mile above sea level
Megan went to 6 flags with her team.

The end of June (yes i am that far behind)  we went to CO.  Both girls played for a week.  OF course they were in 2 different places in CO.  We went early and stayed with Brandon's dad and sandee.  We hung out with my sisters and aunt.  It was lots of fun.  We got to see Chars boys play baseball and we went to dinner.  Brandon and Kenzie stayed in a hotel down in Fort Collins. Meg and I stayed in Highlands Ranch with Ken and Sandee.  I am sure they needed a vacation after we left.  Thanks so much for being our tour guide and taking us were we needed to be :)  What a pain we were for them.  The girls both played well and we had a nice family vacation.  Some of Megans games were at Columbine High School.  They have a memorial we were able to see.  Just makes you so sad for all involved.  It was really cool to walk around it, and read what we didnt hear on the news.  We were able to go to a Rockies game. Love baseball games they are so much fun.  Meg was able to go to 6 flags with her team and a Rockies game.  Since we were in 2 different places we didn't get to see to many of the other games.  Michelle and Derek were out of town for the week, so we were able to use their car.  Thanks so much it was a life savor.  I was able to see a few of Mckenzies game during Megans day off.  It was a very busy week, but lots of fun.