Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Way to go Mckenzie!!!!

Mckenzie had her first softball game last night. She had a double header. She pitched the whole first game. She did great!!! She pitched 28 balls 22 strikes. She walked 2 batters, 7 hits, and 5 strike outs. She finished the 2nd game. She pitched the last inning. She did great then too. They won the first game by 1 run and lost the 2nd game by 1. She had so much fun. I can't believe she is old enough to play ball at this level.


Suz said...

Way to go Kenzie!!!!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

You're awesome Mckenzie! Love your background..I can't figure out how to get cute ones like that. Oh well!

EmmaP said...

that's so cool!