Saturday, November 29, 2008

The finished product

Making Ginger Bread Houses

Our Thanksgiving "Sock Hop"

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Many things I am Thankful for

I can't believe we are getting to the end of 2008 already. Wow time flies when you get old. As I have been thinking about Thanksgiving I have asked myself "What am I Thankful for?" Maybe I have never really thought about that question. I am getting older and maybe a little more sentimental. So to answer that question. I am thankful for my family. My girls that are so cute and love me no matter how grumpy I get. They are both healthy and happy. They are also best friends. My husband who loves me no matter what. He is not afraid to put me in my place, when needed. He is a hard worker and takes very good care of us. He is funny, but serious when he needs to be. I am thankful for my parents who raised me to know who I am and not wish I was someone else and to like myself and enjoy life. I am thankful for my in laws that raised such a wonderful son. He is who he is today because of them and I am thankful for that. I am thankful for my sisters. They are fun to be with and talk to even after the 50th phone call in one day. My brother and sister in laws are the best too. I enjoy the times we get to spend together, and the lessons I have learned from everyone of them. The many friends I have. They are always there to offer a lending hand. They make me laugh and cry. They are still my friends when they see my "other side". My job I have that allows me to do the fun and crazy things it allows me to do. The many material things I have. My home (have I mentioned lately I love my house) My car that is dependable. Music, I love to hear Brandon and the girls "rocking out" I catch myself laughing all by myself. Tinker is my little shadow I am never alone. I am sure there are many other things. But most of all I am thankful for the Savior and what he has done for me. My family and friends, and my health. If you are reading this, know that you are a someone that I can call a friend and I love you all.
Remember the things you have that other don't and be Thankful this Holiday Season!!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mckenzie and I went to California this last weekend. Megan was supposed to go too. She wanted to go see Twilight with Haley. She changed her mind at the last minute. She decided to stay home with Brandon and watch the Utes beat BYU. So I saw the movie and Mckenzie saw Bolt. My dad took the 2 boys and Mckenzie to see Bolt. She was so excited to go with Grandpa and be the "ONLY" girl. She is so funny. We also got to go to a friends Baby Baptism in Sacramento. We had so much fun. It is always fun to see friends you haven't seen in forever. They are really more like family, but we had so much fun.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ok so I went to Napa to go Christmas shopping with Char. we had the day all planned. We knew what stores we were going to, where we were eating. We only made it to Ikea. We bought Haley new bedding and were so excited to see it. We skipped shopping to get home to put her room together before she got home from dance. We bought the cute lantern. It was an eye sorer. So we decided to decorate it. But guess what Napa "DOES" not have any craft stores. So we had the pleasure of going to Walmart to their craft aisle. This was what they had, and it turned out so cute. It still needs paint, so I will have to make another trip, unless the Kortz family will share their maid with the Ericksons.

Breakfast at Gilwoods in Napa, with my sister, mom and my "favorite" aunt Shirley. It was so very yummy.....

Friday, November 14, 2008

Our Disneyland trip started out in comfort.....yep we were in first class

Do we have to go home????

Monday, November 10, 2008

Now you see them

Now you don't

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Snickers has a new home

Happy Halloween

Gerbers came over for dinner and the kids got ready. Tevita was a Raiders fan. We tried to keep him outside, but he is so cute we let him in. Tayah was a pretty witch. Meg was a baby, and Mckenzie was a witch. I didn't get any pictures of her by herself because she was pouting over her wig. But she sure was scary. People even asked her if her nose was real. She thought that was rude. Jody and I took the girls and the big kids went with some other kids in the neighborhood. They all had a good time.