Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ok so I went to Napa to go Christmas shopping with Char. we had the day all planned. We knew what stores we were going to, where we were eating. We only made it to Ikea. We bought Haley new bedding and were so excited to see it. We skipped shopping to get home to put her room together before she got home from dance. We bought the cute lantern. It was an eye sorer. So we decided to decorate it. But guess what Napa "DOES" not have any craft stores. So we had the pleasure of going to Walmart to their craft aisle. This was what they had, and it turned out so cute. It still needs paint, so I will have to make another trip, unless the Kortz family will share their maid with the Ericksons.


Suz said...

Sure go decorate Haileys room!