Wednesday, September 16, 2009

~Lake Powell~

We went to Lake Powell Labor Day weekend. I misplaced my camera for a week or so. Hence the delay of pictures. We had a great time. We stayed in a hotel and spent the day at the lake. It was great. Mckenzie learned to wake board. She pops right up. It is so funny. The palce is beautiful. Well worth the long drive. It was a great way to finish a fun summer.


The Lilly's said...

Wow, if I didn't know any better, I would have thought those pics of Mackenzie wakeboarding were you as a little girl. That's awesome that she can do that at such a young age!

EmmaP said...

how fun! glad you had a fun end to summer!

Unknown said...

holly cow Mckenzie looks just like you. Poor thing

Unknown said...

Brando you are my hero and such a stud of a hunk. I wish i was you.

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Way to rock the slalom Christine!! Fun pictures! We love Lake Powell, glad that you got go!