Thursday, October 29, 2009

Carving Pumpkins.....

Friday, October 23, 2009

The cutest girls ever...

We have been told, our girls are pretty cute. Well you may say of course people are going to say they are cute. No one would tell a parent anything different. These pictures speak for themselves. They are "CUTE" I was at work the other day and this is what they did before Brandon got home from work. Megan is so creative ~ it makes me nuts. She took the and posed the pictures of Mckenzie and Carly took the pictures of the 2 girls together. These are jsut a few of them. There are several more. Oh they are so cute. I can't wait to get copies and enlargements.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ratco Retires..

Friday was his last day of work. We had a party Friday night for him. It was lots of fun. Yummy food, and tons of people. We had the cake made. Wendy has a friend that makes cakes. She did a great job. He loved it. The toilet was even eaten. Saturday night was a party for Tom. He turned 60. We had family time all weekend :) It was a fun trip. Very busy, but fun.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bullets take 2nd!!!!

The cutest little pitcher ever

Mckenzie had a tournament this weekend. It turned out to be an all day event. They did so well. Their first game was at 11am and the last one ended at 10:30pm. The team played so good. They have improved so mcuh. It is so fun to watch them play so well. There were a few tears when they lost, but they quickly dried up.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mckenzies stone with a moon in blue and star in red

Mckenzie and her bud Tessa

Grandpa and Dad mixing cement for the stones

Megans cute dragon fly

The girls having a blast making their project
We went to Colorado this last weekend. Mckenzie and I spent the night with the Cordes Family one night. Brandon and Megan stayed with Grandpa and Sandee. We did lots of shopping and we got to see Aunt Shirley. It was fun to see her somewhere other than Napa. Sandee of course had some fun projects for the girls to do. They made stepping stones for their garden. They turned out so so cute. Thanks everyone for the funweekend!!