Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mckenzies stone with a moon in blue and star in red

Mckenzie and her bud Tessa

Grandpa and Dad mixing cement for the stones

Megans cute dragon fly

The girls having a blast making their project
We went to Colorado this last weekend. Mckenzie and I spent the night with the Cordes Family one night. Brandon and Megan stayed with Grandpa and Sandee. We did lots of shopping and we got to see Aunt Shirley. It was fun to see her somewhere other than Napa. Sandee of course had some fun projects for the girls to do. They made stepping stones for their garden. They turned out so so cute. Thanks everyone for the funweekend!!


The Lilly's said...

Those stepping stones are so pretty, are they hard to make?

Chrispy Critter said...

Hey Dorneys,
It is fun to see what you guys are up to! Hope all is well! Sorry to be a blog stalker, I saw it on Whit's Family blog.

Chris (Peterson) Rich critterich.blogspot.com