Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween! trick or treating

Mckenzie and Tayah were babies. Some one asked if they were the Bobsie Twins. Mckenzie said yes they were. After they got their candy, they asked "who are the bobsie twins" Way way before their time.

Megan,Carly, Jordan, Jacob, and Tevita. The gang were freaks for Halloween. Meg and carly made their costumes. They wore too toos and goofy socks. Duh I didn't get a full body shot. They had a great time. Megan is lucky to have such good friends.

Checking out and counting all the loot!

We had our ward party Friday night and a family Halloween party. We didn't go last year, so this year we decided to go to the family party. We had just watched Grease, so Brandon wanted to go as Sandy and Danny. Many years ago I would of went as Sandy in the end of the movie, but not today :) I have to have my body covered. I hurried and made the skirt. Oh why cant everything be that easy to make? Brandon couldn't get his hair to go with the jell he bought and the hair stuff. Bag balm worked the best. It just was smelly for a few days. Halloween was fun by all this year. Gerber's came over for our annual pizza and trick or treating.


Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Sick, bag balm! Funny though! Next year you can teach me how to sew a costume, you're awesome!! It was way fun hanging out with you guys the other night, Thanks!

The Lilly's said...

You and Brandon make the perfect Sandy and Danny, you guys even resemble them. And Christine, you totally could pull off the Sandy in the black spandex bodysuit, what are you thinking?!