Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Day Filled with lots of fun.

Brandon had his thumb/hand fixed today. Last Saturday we took the girls to an inside facility to practice softball. Mckenzie was pitching to me. Wow am I too old to do that :) Meg was hitting with Brandon. He was close to her but behind the net. They were doing front toss. He tosses the ball and she drives it right back. Well she hit it so fast and hard he didn't have time to pull his hand back. So needless to say she drove it right back at his hand. It broke the joint between his hand and thumb. Saturday when we went to the Dr he showed us the x-ray. Yeah you could tell it was broke. But when we saw it today. WOW yes it was totally broke, a big piece. She did a great job on it. It was a clean break and lined up well when he moved it back together. So the good news was he did not have to open his hand up to put in a screw. He has 2 pins in his hand instead. Much easier!! I was talking to Meg the other day making sure she knew it was not her fault and no one was blaming her. She said I know. But I am proud I broke it. That means it was a hard hit ball, and she did exactly what he said. "Hit it hard and drive it back" at least she is honest :) While I was waiting for the Dr to come tell me all went well. Lots was going through my head. He was getting the Michael Jackson drug propofal. So that was a little nerve racking. The last time I was in a waiting room, waiting for surgery to end. The results were not what we wanted to hear. I knew he was in good hands and the other situations were very extreme, and much different. I knew his results would not be the same as the others. But our minds like to play games on us. From the time I left him on the gurny to the time the Dr came out was 35 minutes. So that was a relief. We have a long road of recovery ahead. Glad its over and the healing has begun.


EmmaP said...

funny how our minds do that. i could tell you stories... I'm still "healing" (mentally) over a lot of issues... not like yours, but still, we can surely get our minds going, can't we?!?!

i am proud of her for breaking his hand -- cuz that means she is an awesome player and an excellent listener :)

Poor Brandon... get better soon!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Wow what a hit! So, so sorry Brandon. Hope it heals well.