Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day of 6th grade........

Mckenzie's first day of school was today. She loved it. The first thing she said when she came home today was "I love my teacher" what a relief. She wasn't sure yesterday if she wanted to take the bus or have us take her. She was afraid if we took her she would cry (like the past years) last night she wanted to take the bus. I will admit I was a little sad. I wanted to take her, but I was willing to forgo taking her so she wouldn't be sad. But she decided she could be brave and let us take her. We got her to her class and she was just fine. The 2 little girls in the neighborhood she "always" plays with are in her class too. The first day of school is much better with friends. So she is the big girl on campus now we told her. She said "I am too short to be in 6th grade"


Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Oh back to school already!! Hope you had a great first day and lots more to come. 6th grade, WOW!
Been thinking of you all...hope everything is good. Love ya!

EmmaP said...

my kids start next week... they grow up so fast!

The Lilly's said...

Wow, your last year of having an elementary student. She looks very cute for her first day!