Friday, July 29, 2011

Yes Mckenzie still does exist :)

Bullets took 6th in state. Very good for being a young 12 and under team.

In case anyone wondered if Mckenzie was still part of our family. I don't get to go to many of her games, because I go with Meg. I was able to see lots in the state tournament, because they played 10 minutes from each other. Mckenzie also wanted to know why I never take pictures of her playing. There is a mom on the team with a fancy camera that takes awesome pictures. So the great mom I am, I took some of her playing.

what a slide!!

Doing a little catch up!!

waiting for the rain to stop at the State tournament. Pegasus took 2nd place

playing in the water at Grandma and Grandpas on the 4th.

watching fire works at Sugar House Park from the back of the truck...

the best seats in the house.

Pegasus played in the World Series in up Park City. Its a week long tournament. The first day they have opening ceremonies a parade and pin trading. The girls had a blast.

Walking across the bridge at the parade.

Doing Chinease fire drills. They did this for an hour, and had the best time ever.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Colorado Sparkler

Megans softball team had a tournament in Colorado this last week. We left last Saturday and stayed with Ken and Sandee Saturday and Sunday. The tournament started Tuesday morning. We had a great week. The end of a perfect week.

Good job Pegasus!

Heads up you played great... There was 110 teams in Megans age group. The teams were from all over the country and Canada. We played 9 games. Won 6, Tied 1, Lost 2. Came in 13th place. They had a great tournament. They should be very proud.

This team for Louisiana is the team that sent us home. The teams from the South did a prayer circle after every game. The draw crosses in the dirt on the pitchers mound, and they all say a prayer. Its a prayer they have memorized. It was fun to watch.

We went to a Rockies game. Our seats were up top. Toward the end of the game the girls went down to field level and sat in open seats. I am sure the guys in front of them were so happy about that :) This is a picture of the girls on the Jumbo Tron. They were so excited. They were up there twice, but I was a little slow the first time.

I called Megan when they all got new seats and had them all turn around and wave.

Hanging out with some of the girls in the hot tub. They had so much fun swimming and being together.

Olive Garden with the Crabtrees. Not sure what these silly girls are doing.

Hanging out between games playing Hacky Sack. Or should I say trying to play! Not sure I ever saw it kicked 2 times in row. But they sure had fun trying.

Grandpa Dorney came and watched the games Tuesday and Saturday. Uncle Jr, Kedrick, and Bronwyn came Tuesday also. It was so nice to have them there. Jr and the kids live almost 3 hours from were we where. Thanks so much for coming. Megan was so glad to see you.

Twins!!! Mckenzie got up and dressed her self to match me. Hair and all. Brandon tried to make fun of her. I told him to keep his mouth shut. The time would be here soon enough that she wont think we are cool. For right now though we are COOL!

The boys trying to look smart. Brandon was looking for an App and Ken is playing Chest with the neighbor.

Grandpa and Meg having a dance off. There is a video at the bottom, so you can see it live :)

Brandon on Mckenzies Rip Stick. No helmet. We found a batting helmet in the van. Isn't he so cute?

We didn't want Mckenzie riding her Rip Stick with out a helmet. So he is showing her how cool it is to wear a Batting helmet. She wasn't buying it.

Renaissance Festival on Sunday.

The girls riding an Elephant. That is all Mckenzie wanted to do. And it was pretty lame.

Yes we all got Henna Tattoos! They begged me to get one too, peer pressure and I gave it. They turned out pretty cool. Sunday Sandee to us to the Renaissance Festival. It was lots of fun. We have never been to anything like it before. All I can say is, there are some weirdos!! Holy Cow we were some of the few that looked normal. And you all know how normal we are so that is saying something. I wish I would of had the nerve to take pictures of all the people. I could of sat in one spot all day and been entertained.
We had a great time. Thanks to the Cordes family for letting is use their Taco van. We flew in and had their car all week. The van was the talk of the team. For what ever reason it got named the Taco van. No tacos were ever even in the van. But they made many jokes. I guess no one on the team drives a van :) We had lots of fun with Ken and Sandee too. Thanks for letting us stay with you. We love and appreciate you all!!

Mckenzie on the neighbors bike at Grandpas. Watch closley its very fast, and way cool. Its a razor big wheel. The back tires swivel. Its was the coolest thing ever.

As promised Megan and Grandpa dancing.