Friday, July 29, 2011

Doing a little catch up!!

waiting for the rain to stop at the State tournament. Pegasus took 2nd place

playing in the water at Grandma and Grandpas on the 4th.

watching fire works at Sugar House Park from the back of the truck...

the best seats in the house.

Pegasus played in the World Series in up Park City. Its a week long tournament. The first day they have opening ceremonies a parade and pin trading. The girls had a blast.

Walking across the bridge at the parade.

Doing Chinease fire drills. They did this for an hour, and had the best time ever.


EmmaP said...

this brings me back to my youth... I LOVED doing Chinese Firedrills. :)

The Lilly's said...

Holy cow, when did your hair get so long? You look cute!