Friday, April 27, 2012

Girls Weekend

 Just a few needles in my ears
 a few in my legs
 and a few more on my hands.  ouch those hurt!!
 Happy Birthday Alexa
 Just us girls
In March I went to Colorado for the weekend.  Shirley was there and it was Alexa's Birthday.  It was so much fun.  For her birthday she wanted to have friends over and go to a hotel.  So that is what we did.  We had pizza, cake and lots of swimming.  They had so much fun.  I was able to go see Ken (Brandon's dad) and Sandee.   I actually almost gave them both heart attacks.  They didn't know I was there until they opened their door and viola there I was.  It was fun.   For 6 months I had the worst rash all over my torso pretty much.  Had gone to the DR.  which is who started the rash.  She gave me different lotions, steroids, and of course nothing helped.  It was miserable.  So I decided to go see the witch DR.  DR Shirley.  She did some acupuncture several times and NAET.  It worked like a charm.  Thank you Shirley.  I had so much fun, it was just us girls.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bingham Prom

Yes I know a little over due, but better than nothing.  I used to update at work, but the computers will no longer let me do that.  I don't have time at home, so the post are must less frequent.  Megan went to the Prom Friday March 16.  She had a busy weekend end.  Prom and her 2 birthday parties.  Lucky Girl.  Not sure how she has grown up so fast.  Her sweet friend Emily came over to help her with her hair.  Ashley came over for pictures.  They took a Limo to dinner and the dance.  But of course I couldn't go take pictures, because that would make her look like a looser.  She was very very nervous to go.  She wanted to cancel at the last minute, because she didn't know anyone that was going except her date.  But she did go and had a great time :)  She looked beautiful, and David was a lucky guy, if I don't say so my self!