Monday, May 7, 2012

Our baby is 13

 Kenzie and her hamburger cupcakes she wanted for her friends
 A few of her team mates
 Yes this is a "COW"
 Her beach cruiser, she wanted so bad
 making a wish
Can't believe my baby girl is 13.  Where does the time go.  She had games on Saturday, so we made hamburgers out of cupcakes for her to share with her team after the games.  (yes they went undefeated) Sunday we had dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's.  All she wanted for her birthday was a "COW" cake and a beach cruiser.  She found the cake online and asked if I could make it.  Thank goodness it was one of the easy ones :)  We made just a single layer chocolate cake, with the extra mix.  She didn't want to put the candles on the cow and get wax on it.  So yes she is spoiled!  3 different birthday treats in 2 days.  Happy Birthday Kenzie, we hope you had a great birthday.  We love you and are so very proud of you.


Anonymous said...

Happy B_Day you wild and crazy new addition to teenager mania.

Grandpa and Sandee

The Lilly's said...

Love that bike! The cake is super cute and the 13 year old is even cuter!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

That cow is missing a leg!!!! Sorry!!! I was very impressed with your cake making skills. Happy Birthday Mckenzie!