Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cottonwood Homecoming

 getting a little help for sister..they are so cute together

 How many dads does it take?
 Hooker shoes that are so cute
Yippe I can now post from work again.  Bad thing is I dont have all the picutres from the Dance.  Tevita wasnt going to go to his Homecoming, but his friends begged him to go with them.  Well a week before you cant really ask just anyone, so who better than your best friend   He asked her all cute and they had a great time. They are a hot looking couple if I dont say so myself.  Dances are always fun when you go with a friend.  Never even worried about her. 


Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Love it guys! Way cute couple (hehehe)