Monday, December 15, 2008

Lights at Temple Square


Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Very cute family pictures! We are so sad that we missed out. Love ya! Thanks again Christine for offering to come up and watch Jonas while I shower or whatever...could you smell me out there? :) Cause I do need a shower!

The Lilly's said...

I'm so jealous, I've been wanting to go to Temple Square all month but just haven't been able to make it happen. Are you going home at all during Christmas break? We're hoping to drive next Sunday night if the weather cooperates...keep your fingers crossed for us!

Smiley0709 said...

Check out the darling christmas snowman slide show.. I'd say your passing me up in your blogging skills :) You have such a darling family.. You can just feel the love. :) Love the temple lights. I wish we would have gone sooner.. It's too freaking cold now :(

JG said...

I can't believe how much the girls have grown! That's amazing!!! Megan looks 19!!! I love your blog. It's soo cute!