Monday, January 12, 2009

Our trip to Hollywood and Beverly Hills

My parents and the Erickson's decided to go to Southern California for a cousins "50" birthday party. So I thought what the heck, we can go too. Mckenzie didn't want to go, so she stayed with Mike and Merri, Brandon was snow mobiling with Nick. So that just left Megan and I. Of course I am not cool enough to go to Hollywood with. Megan wanted to take a friend on a Buddy pass. I have been waiting for this moment. At first I told her no way. Then I thought why not. Carly know Haley, and the girls would have so much fun. So we did it. We flew down Saturday and met Char in Hollywood. We took a tour in a "LIMO" we were the coolest parents. The tour took us to some landmarks and we drove by stars homes. A total nosey tour. But it was fun. You would of thought the kids had died and gone to heaven. Even the boys thought it was cool.


Suz said...

I totally wanted to do that! You Dave? Dave from my work. He did that and he said it was awesome too. I am glad you had fun. I think Mckenzie is like Rylee. They are more homebodies. Except Ry would have jumped at an opportunity to go to Rodeo drive.

The Lilly's said...

You're so lucky to just be able to jump on a plane and go do fun things! Steph would've loved that trip!

Smiley0709 said...

I hope I can be a COOL mom like you.. How fun.. I'm so excited to take Camdyn on little girl trips.. I've daydreamed about it since the day she was born. You are a WAY cool mom.. They are so lucky to have you!! And your welcome for the CD.. tell her to make a list of songs she wants.. I can make more :) Hopefully most of them were edited..