Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thank you!!

It is with great sadness and relief that I share with you that my moms journey ended yesterday. We were all by her side. She left us with a smile on her face. Even in her last days, she was still teaching us many lessons of life. Though we will miss her. We know she is in a better place pain free and happy. We do know we will see her again. We told her "we will see you when we get there" Again I want to thank you all for your kind thoughts, and I love you all.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just a little update...

Things here are pretty much the same. She did get out of bed this morning. One of the drugs she takes is a steroid. The side effect from it makes her want to be socialable. She got into the wheelchair and Dallin pushed her down the hall. He was so excited to be helping grandma down the hall. She hung out with us, while we ate waffles. She didn't talk much. It was fun to have her hanging out with us.
Just a little "THANK YOU" to everyone, that is calling emailing, texting, etc....I know you all care and want to know how we are all doing. It has been nice to be here with my family, and not have to worry about anything back at home. Gerbers thank you so much for taking care of Tinker. Tevita I heard you had a room mate for a few days. Thanks so much for helping us out in a pinch. I know she would much rather be with "family" than be at the kennel. Brandon thanks for taking care of things at home, all by yourself. I don't have to worry about the girls. I know they are well taken care of. Thank you and I love you. Thanks again everyone!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Recording Artists.........

Brandon came back today. He and Char recorded a song for our video, we are making for the funeral. It was beautiful. They had a little fun while they were working.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Michelle bought us these cute pj's the other day. She bought us 3 a pair, my mom, and Shirley. D We haven't had a chance to get a picture with my mom in hers. Dad was feeling a little left out again. So he put on my mom's so he could be cool like the rest of us :) Isn't he the cutest model you have ever seen. Don't worry he is keeping his day job.

Found, lost Grandpa....

We found this goofy old man. Does he belong to any one??

We love our GRANDMA

The girls picked this hat out, for my mom. When she was going to do chemo, she asked all the grand kids to pick out a hat for her to wear when her hair fell out. This was our pick.

Who's little nerds are these?

The kids found grandpas old glasses. They had so much fun wearing them, and making fun of grandpa.

Not sure who the sick one is. We all look pretty bad. We were so happy just to back at home with our mom and dad.

Mom we love you

What do you think about the new doo??

A little old lady loaned us some wigs for my mom. My mom never even tried them on, but all the boys did. Doesn't he look so cute?


Mom and her sisters Me with my sisters

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

Cally loves her uncle Brandon. Not sure she has ever been to the house where he doesn't do this to her. She actually loves it. She thinks she is cool. Way up in the air.

This is our new daughter isn't she cute, the blonde rocker

Dave is thinking what a bunch of "DORKS" with those stupid glasses.

Super Bowl Sunday

We had our yearly party. Megan and Tevita decided to use the whipping creme to paint their faces. Aren't they so cute. Check out those cool glasses.....

You aren't as cool as you think you are!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

WELCOME HOME............

This will be my moms new bedroom hopefully not for very long.....Michelle and Char did such a great job, making it very nice and homey. Notice the "LITTLE" undies by the pillow. She asked Char and I to get her some granny panties for surgery. We just could not pass up the opportunity to make her laugh and giggle. So we bought her these floss panties. Don't worry they still have the tags on them, she hasn't felt up to wearing them.....Maybe next month.

Yeah I am so happy to be home. This is the "BEST" place to feel better..