Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thank you!!

It is with great sadness and relief that I share with you that my moms journey ended yesterday. We were all by her side. She left us with a smile on her face. Even in her last days, she was still teaching us many lessons of life. Though we will miss her. We know she is in a better place pain free and happy. We do know we will see her again. We told her "we will see you when we get there" Again I want to thank you all for your kind thoughts, and I love you all.


Kimberly said...

We got your message on our blog and were so happy to hear from you. It is more than fine for you to add us to your blog list. We miss you guys! I wanted to let you know that I called Nanci last night and let her know. I gave her the blog address to Jeannies Journey so that she could read it and see the funeral time(I hope that is alright). You are in her thoughts, as well as ours. Steve wanted me to tell you that he has really been thinking of you a lot during this time. I will start checking in on your blog if that is alright. Your family is beautiful.

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Oh Christine and family we love you! I have been thinking of you all a lot and when Merri let us know, my heart broke. We are thinking of you and hope that you will feel the spirit of peace. I say lets bring on the Second Coming..I'm totally ready. Love you lots!

The Lilly's said...

I'm so glad you were able to be there with her this past little while. I'm so sorry, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for you. When you get back to Utah, just remember I'm only a few minutes away if you need anything, or just want to hang out to get your mind off things. Take care of yourself!

Suz said...

I am so sorry. I love you.


Smiley0709 said...

Thinking of you.. A new guardian angel has just taken her place to watch over you everyday.. Love ya girl!