Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just a little update...

Things here are pretty much the same. She did get out of bed this morning. One of the drugs she takes is a steroid. The side effect from it makes her want to be socialable. She got into the wheelchair and Dallin pushed her down the hall. He was so excited to be helping grandma down the hall. She hung out with us, while we ate waffles. She didn't talk much. It was fun to have her hanging out with us.
Just a little "THANK YOU" to everyone, that is calling emailing, texting, etc....I know you all care and want to know how we are all doing. It has been nice to be here with my family, and not have to worry about anything back at home. Gerbers thank you so much for taking care of Tinker. Tevita I heard you had a room mate for a few days. Thanks so much for helping us out in a pinch. I know she would much rather be with "family" than be at the kennel. Brandon thanks for taking care of things at home, all by yourself. I don't have to worry about the girls. I know they are well taken care of. Thank you and I love you. Thanks again everyone!!


EmmaP said...

wow, Christine. i've just been catching up on your blog. i didn't know your mom was sick. i've just been sitting here in tears, not even beginning to imagine what your family is going through. i don't know if there is anything i can offer at this point, except for prayers and good thoughts. You are so blessed to have an amazing family. take care.

Kimberly said...

Hi Christine! This is Kim Pfaff. I was so excited to happen upon your blog through links from other blogs. I cried tonight when I heard about the passing of your mom in Jeannies Journeys. Your mother was absolutely beautiful, caring and funny. I have a feeling that she will be tracking down Steve's parents to make sure they have taken their gospel lessons on the other side. Steve and I send our thoughts and prayers to your family.