Sunday, July 26, 2009

Brandon and Dave being the mature dads they are. Having fun shooting off bottle rockets.

Mckenzie just hanging out, taking it all in

Megan dancing as she shows off her sparkler.

After Park City we went to our neighbors house. She had 6 familis for dinner and fireworks. A great time was had by all :)......

Happy Pioneer Day

We went up to Park City Friday. We rode the Alpine slide. It was a lot of fun, we haven't done that in forever. We went shopping for some school clothes too. Just realizing we have no more free weekends before Mckenzie starts school. Ugh summer is almost over for the Dorney's.

Bees Game and Fireworks

We went the the bees game and watched the Fireworks Thursday. We had a great time. Since we dont watch enough games we thought we would sit through another. It was well worth it though, the Fireworks were great.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

3rd place again....

The Viperz had a tournament last weekend before we went to Califonia. They took 3rd again. Not such a great tournament. Nothing outstanding took place. We told my dad Sunday when we got there, that he is their "GOOD LUCK" the tournaments he has come to they have taken 1st place. We will see you at the next tournament. We will see if its true!!

Hanging out with Grandpa

What a great trip we had to Napa this weekend. We did nothing. We played in the pool, watched a movie outside on the big screen, and the girls played non stop with their cousins. They only thing we were missing was a Cabana Boy!!! The pool was great, nice and warm, and the view is awesome. Thanks Grandpa for the fun weekend...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!

Wow I can't believe it has been 15 years ago today that we were married. We have such a romantice night planned. Mckenzie has softball practice in Herriman, and the Viperz have a tournament in Kaysville. Megan is at girls camp, but Brandon still has to coach. So I will be home tonight by myself with Mckenzie. Dont be jealous of how romantice we are. Maybe we will do something fun some other time. Thanks Brandon for all the fun times in the last 15 years, I love you!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!!

After the lake Saturday, we went and watched fireworks. It was great we just sat in the back of the truck and watched them. We love America, and are greatful for our freedoms, and those that are and have fought for them. We played some Rock Band. Rylee I think wants to be a "ROCKER" when she grows up. Brandon is jealous he can't have long hair.

We took the boat out this weekend. We had a great time. Everyone did something. Some of us did things for the first time. We went out Thursday afternoon, the weather was terrible, the water was rough. The girls were the only one's that got in the water. Friday and Saturday we could not of asked for better weather. It was great.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I put my playlist back on. I don't like not having music on here. If you feel the need to listen to Mckenzie's cute program again or if you just want to listen and watch MJ sing and dance, you can pause the playlist at the bottom. Just a small FYI. I just learned that a while ago. Sometimes I like to share my knowledge, it doesn't happen a lot that I am able to do that :).

Summer Time Fun Finally

Yeah we finally got summer here in Utah. I was thinking we were just going to into Fall. But finally is stopped raining and Mr Sunshine decided to come out and play. We went swimming at the neighbors house yesterday. the girls begged me to ask her if they could swim. I got the nerve and she said any time. I told her she may want to take those words back. My girls are fish and "LOVE" to swim. they had fun and can't wait to go again. Thanks Sara.