Thursday, July 2, 2009

Summer Time Fun Finally

Yeah we finally got summer here in Utah. I was thinking we were just going to into Fall. But finally is stopped raining and Mr Sunshine decided to come out and play. We went swimming at the neighbors house yesterday. the girls begged me to ask her if they could swim. I got the nerve and she said any time. I told her she may want to take those words back. My girls are fish and "LOVE" to swim. they had fun and can't wait to go again. Thanks Sara.


Suz said...

Kim and TJ will not like the middle picture. Glad you had fun.

Kim said...

Rylee........nice swimming suit, I don't remember that one.......I don't think it will pass for YW camp this year!!!!!

EmmaP said...

two of mine are fish too! i can't believe you mustered up the nerve to ask if the girls could go swimming! good for you! but knowing you, i am sure it was not easy... :)