Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Utah School Program

In 4th grade the kids study Utah History. Their program was last week. It was the cutest thing. Mckenzie had a speaking part. I was a little late getting the camera started. I didn't get "Utah has an area of" the rest is on the video. It was a great program. They sang the best songs. I learned a lot about Utah. If you have any questions about "UTAH" Mckenzie is your girl.


Suz said...

Well, McKenzie was kind enough to give me her part over the phone. But this was MUCH BETTER!!! I love seeing her beautiful face. I know she was the best in her class and not just because she told me she was. Good job Kenzie!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful Girl! You did such a great job McKenzie I am very proud of you. Grandma

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

That sounded like a lot of fun to do. Wish I could have been there to see it. I would have liked to hear the songs. You'll have to give us a little performance next time we have Sunday dinner together. Love ya McKenzie!

Sandee said...

Way to go McKenzie!!! You can stop growing up so fast now. :)

Good job, sweetie. I can't wait to play that for the Ogre! I'm the only one that has a computer with sound. :)