Sunday, June 28, 2009

Way to go Mckenzie!!

Both girls had tournaments this weekend,of course they were at opposite ends of the Vally. I went with Mckenzie and Brandon of course went with Meg. Both teams came in 3rd place. That is a great accomplishment for Mckenzies team, not so much Megans. They both played great! Friday Megan played 4 games and 3 on Saturday. Mckenzie played 2 Thursday, Friday got rained out. Saturday they played 6 games. She pitched 3 1/2 of them, and did a great job. She dug down deep and got the job done. We have never been to a tournament where 3rd place got a trophy. But the girls were excited to get one. This is her first. Yeah Bullets!!


EmmaP said...

cute! good job!

Suz said...


The Lilly's said...

Wow, that is A LOT of softball! I'd love to see little McKenzie pitch some time, I bet it's so cute.