Friday, June 26, 2009

King of Pop

Music Videos by VideoCure/font>

The news of Michael Jackson dying yesterday got me thinking. Wow what an Icon. I remember when I was in Young Womens we did a "Beat It" video. It was so gun. I will admit it was not as cool as his. There was a bunch of "white" girls dancing. Needles to say we didn't move like he did. It also made me think about my mom. We always sang the song to her. Remember her real name "Billie Jean" I know some of you might say "WHO" names their daughter that. Well my Grandparents did, and she hated it hence the name Jeannie. Last night Brandon and I were watching the news and he asked if I thought my mom would meet Micheal. I said yeah I bet she was their with open arms to greet him, and have a conversation about "HER" song. I laid there and giggled thinking yeah right. Today I was talking to my sister and admitted the conversation I had with Brandon last night, she started laughing and admited she had the same thoughts. Growing up we loved his music and thought he was cool. I thought I was cool having a "THRILLER" record. Thought it would be fun to post the video for my mom. Enjoy!!


Trisha said...

Does this mean your a Michael fan? I know I am.

Suz said...

Did you know that Brandon is also Michael's BIGGEST fan? Ask him to tell you the story Mike shared at his farewell. LOL! I would really like to see your best MJ moves. You go white girl.

EmmaP said...

he WAS an icon, you're right. and of course EVERYWHERE i go i hear his music all the time. i forgot about all of the songs i love of his. I remember in 4th grade, my fav was "Beat it"... and there was a guy in my class that wore only 1 glove like Michael. i thought he was cool! and I love Billie Jean... funny, i didn't know what was your mom's name. cute

The Lilly's said...

I had forgotten about the Beat It video in Young Womens. I can't remember if I was in it or not. If I was I'm sure I tried to stay behind the scenes as much as possible! I love that you girls made the connection between Michael and your mom, that's awesome.

Sandee said...

Your mom's wildflowers are coming in beautifully - including some of the seeds that I spilled in between the flagstone. Oops. Your Mom has not only met Michael, she visits me every day with her wildflowers.