Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yeah Bullets!!

Mckenzie had a softball tournament this last weekend. They came in 3rd place. They played 5 games. Mckenzie pitched 3 games. She did a good job. They are definitely improving. They are fun to watch. She loves to play and loves all of her new friends. She got the player of the game. She got the cute back pack filled with yummy treats. Way to go Mckenzie!!!


Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

That is way cool Mckenzie! You're awesome. Love the bangs!

Suz said...

YOU GO GIRL!!! You must have skills like your mom!

Kimberly said...

Way to go Mckenzie!! Congratulations on getting Player of the Game! It looks like you are having a lot of fun.