Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!

Wow I can't believe it has been 15 years ago today that we were married. We have such a romantice night planned. Mckenzie has softball practice in Herriman, and the Viperz have a tournament in Kaysville. Megan is at girls camp, but Brandon still has to coach. So I will be home tonight by myself with Mckenzie. Dont be jealous of how romantice we are. Maybe we will do something fun some other time. Thanks Brandon for all the fun times in the last 15 years, I love you!!


EmmaP said... romantic i am jealous, hehehe. and you haven't even aged! not fair!

The Lilly's said...

That's a beautiful picture! Isn't it funny how romance has to take a back seat as you get older and your kids get busier? I think Steve and I have gone out alone one time in the past 2 yrs. since Alex was born! I saw on Facebook that you're in Napa...I'm jealous!

Suz said...

Welcome to life with teenagers and almost teenangers. I hope Brandon bought you something sparkly. LOL!

aaron & erika said...

Happy anniversary guys. You still look just as good!

--The Colemans