Thursday, December 31, 2009

What would a party be with out a little Hannah Montana. We watched the movie, rocked out to the songs, and tried to learn the Hoe Down Throw Down.

Not sure who these ugly people are. We found them on the street. Excuse me you have something in your teeth!

Brandon watching TV with Mckenzie and Alexa with their matching PJ's.

3 hotties going outside in the snow to sit in the hot tub. Didn't know anyone could be so ugly :)

Mckenzie and Alexa in their matching outfits.

Char checking on our experiment.

What would a Kortz get together be without doing something like a HillBilly. Christmas Day we made Turkey, Ham, the whole meal. We forgot about the rolls. We all wanted rolls so about 90 minutes before the Ham and Turkey would be done. Char had a great idea. Since the ovens were being used we tried to raise the rolls in the dryer. Guess what it worked. Michelle put the shoe dryer in it. We place the pans on the show shelf with a wet towel and turned the dryer on for about 30 minutes. They tasted great and didn't take all day. Way to get out of a pinch.


EmmaP said...

wow... whoduvthunk? a dryer! hahaha! such "hillbillies!" ;)