Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Megans Dance Recital

Megan has been taking a Dance class this last quarter at school. I can not say enough how much she loves to dance. Holy cow!!! Every day after school, after dinner, before bed she was dancing. She had a great time performing for us. It was so sweet for Grandpa, Nick and the girls to come watch. They brought her flowers and all. It sure meant a lot to have so many people there. I think Grandma went the next day. They had 2 performances the following day. I went to one and Grandma went to the other.


EmmaP said...

awww! how fun! she looks so grown up too! holy cow!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Oh Megan I would have loved, loved to see you dance!! I'm so sorry I missed it. Please don't hate me :) You looked beautiful! So glad that you're having fun dancing!

Suz said...

Way to Meg! You should def keep up the dancing! Dancing is way cooler than softball. LOL!