Monday, April 12, 2010

Cousins playing Volleyball

Herding the animals for the Egg Hunt.

~ Cousins ~ Mckenzie and Alexa

Aunt Shirley and her Nieces

Moving the Party out of the rain, into the Carport. What would a trip to Napa be without rain.

Happy Birthday Dad!

The older cousins hanging out. Spencer, Hyrum, Lauren, Haley, Jessica, and Megan.

The gang eating yummy Sunday Breakfast.

The great chef and Ethan.

We went to California for the Annual Easter party. We decided to have a birthday party too. So we had more people than normal. the more the Merrier :) We had lots of fun. Megan and Haley went to Spencer's "16" birthday party and had tons of fun.


The Lilly's said...

I saw you wrote Steph on Facebook that you were just there last weekend too? We took a very fast trip for my niece's wedding. You're so lucky you can fly back and forth so often... that drive is so hideous!

Suz said...

Great pics! I love the picture of you and Brandon! You should frame it. I am so excited to see you all in a few weeks. I feels like forever. Brandon wants to come out here and check out our new statium. So, we may not be doing our annual DL trip but it looks like we will see a lot of each other this summer with the additional trip to Denver for the Cubs game. Off to Vegas next week but. Yeah baby!