Monday, May 3, 2010

We went to St George 2 weeks ago for softball. I know shocker!! We made a little mini vacation out of it. The weather wasn't the best, but we still had fun. I didn't take very many pictures because I left the battery charger at home and yes of course the batteries were low. I wanted to have some for the end of the tournament if they went all the way. Megan of course had the biggest rooting section (like always) Grandpa Kortz drove with us. Grandpa and Grandma Coleman came down. A friend of Grandpas watched games on Saturday and a family friend that used to live down the street from us in Napa and now lives in St George and came to watch a game. They came in 5th place out of 12 teams. Not too bad for the begining of the Season. They are a young team. Teams that won were from Vegas so they play all year long, and they were very big girls, and very good.