Monday, May 10, 2010

Megan hitting a double.

Mckenzie safe at home.

Megan and some of her Buds!

Brandon ~ the cutest umpire there!

Megan and Jonas.

Mckenzie and Jonas.

Mckenzies team put on a small tournament Saturday. Her team only played one game they played a 12 and under team. Yes of course we beat them. Mckenzie had to pitch 5 feet farther back than normal and did a great job. Megan had a great hit. A nice clean double. Way to go Meg!! Since the Bullets were in charge, Brandon got to umpire. There was a misunderstanding so we were short an umpire short. I heard he did a fabulous job. Sweet baby Jonas and his mom and dad came a watched a few games. They are sweet to come sit in the wind. Jonas had to hang out for forever to get a picture with Megan. Thanks Jonas for being such a good sport. It was fun to have you guys there. Grandma and Suzanne also came for all the games. Thanks for your support. Suzanne it was fun to have you there. Grandma thanks for always being there :)


The Lilly's said...

I'm gonna have to start coming to see your girls games now that my "softball mom" career is officially over!