Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Mckenzie

The girls playing with their bubbles. Keira just hanging out with Uncle

Mckenzies birthday was Wednesday. We had the family over for cake and ice cream friday night. Its always fun to be together. Suzanne took Mckenzie shopping earlier that day. She wanted to make sure Mckenzie got just what she wanted and then some. Always has to be spoiled :) She finally got some Beiber wear Mckenzie told her. She also got a Rip Stick she has been wanting. We told her she wasn't getting one. Looks like she has got the hang of it. Happy Birthday Mckenzie ~ 11 years old. We love so so much!!


Suz said...

so much fun! I loved every second!

The Lilly's said...

She's so dang cute, can't believe she's 11!