Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Long over due......

I have been very lazy ~ just putting off updating our blog. We have been up to lots and lots of softball. We have had 2 first places from the Bullets and 2 second places from the Riptide. Both the same weekends and of course not even in the same place. Mckenzie was in Ephriam and Meg was here in Salt Lake. Both teams were undefeated and went to the championship game. They both lost the championship game, so the other team had to beat them 2 times. Mckenzies team won and Megans lost. Meg played until midnight that night. Brandon and Mckenzie beat us home and they were in Ephriam. That leads us to the picture of Brandon getting a hair cut. He told his team if they took 1st he would let them buzz his head. Needless to say they won and he got a hair cut. This last weekend Megan was in Pleasant Grove and Kenzi was in South Jordan. Meg took 2nd, they played Emily's team. They went into extra innings and lost. It was a great game. She played 5 games that day. Mckenzies team took 1st. Mckenzie got MVP for the tournament. Her game also went into extra innings. She hit the winning run in. Yeah Mckenzie way to go. Pictures from that tournament coming later. Mckenzie got 2 awards at school. Yes she is still in school. Last week she got principal pride for a great book report. Yesterday she got one for reading 6026 minutes. Megan and Rylee made this very cute cake, and it was yummy. Rylee and some friends took a cake decortaing class. Meg wanted her to show her all her secrets. This catches us up a little. I will try to be better at keeping you updated.


Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Wow, way to go girls on your softball!! Can't wait to hear how Megan did on Trek, hope she had a good time.