Monday, July 5, 2010

Pioneer Trek ~ she made it

Mckenzie had her History she did a great report on Neil Armstrong. Brandon and I were able to go to her class on Thursday to see her presentation. She did a great job and got an "A" way to go Kenz. Last day of school was Friday ~ yeah! no school for 6 weeks. Megan went on Trek. She wasn't too excited.. She went and had a "GREAT" time. Here are some before and after pictures. She left all clean, and came home all tired and dirty. She had a great experience and was so glad she went. She made some new friends and they have all became friends on Facebook and have chatted a few times. We are so greatful she had a great time and came home safe.


EmmaP said...

Keenan leaves this week for trek. I am so excited for him. I am actually jealous, as growing up in Indiana we didn't have TREK. I never even heard of it until coming out here. Maybe one day, if I'm in YW again I'll get to go.

Glad she had a great time!!!

The Lilly's said...

That's great that she had a good experience on Trek, she made a cute pioneer!