Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Livvy stood by the front door by herself for probably 30 minutes waiting for trick or treaters, she was so excited to pass out candy.

Tayah, Mckenzie, Livvy, and Callie
Megan and a few of the friends she hung out with.
The annual Halloween picture with the Gerbers. We were talking last night. Since the little girls have been around we think, there has just been 1 year we don't have 1 of these pictures. Fun Times!!!

Mckenzie has this doll my mom made and gave to her. Brandon broke the face a few years ago. We want to get it fixed so we have kept it. Well Tayah was over last week. The girls had a scary idea. They placed the doll on a chair in Kenzies room and had her looking out the window. Look closely and there is a flash light above her, so it would shine light on her. The above picture is what she looks like from the porch. Pretty Scary and very creative.

Brandon the ball player, Mckenzie the nerd, and Megan the Lady Bug.

Brandon and Mckenzie carved pumpkins Friday night. They are very cool and scary when its dark.
Yes we have already gone Trick or Treating. We went Saturday night. It worked great for the kids. They got to stay out late and had friends over to watch a movie, play games. What ever it was they did. Gerbers came over we had pizza. Nick and Chris took the girls around our neighborhood. Since was have so many more kids. They then came and hung out with us. Megan went with several friends. Mckenzie and Tayah went all by themselves. They had a great time and thought they were cool, all by themselves. It was a fun night. It rained earlier, but everyone stayed dry :) We figure we had about 160 kids trick or treating. The streets were hopping.


The Lilly's said...

I can't believe you had so many trick or treaters with all that rain! The doll in the window is pretty creepy!

EmmaP said...

that doll is freakin awesome!