Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How we love this family....

Last weekend we were able to participate in a MIRACLE. Friends and Family of Whit and Lindsey put their heads together and were able to pull off the biggest, best Carnival this last weekend. We were blessed to participate. What great lessons we learned. We had met every Sunday for the past few months in order to pull this off. Thousands turned out for Whit and Lindsey. They had a great time and were very generous. We have met new friends and old ones while participating. We have witnessed the goodness of people, even strangers. We were truly blessed to be part of this great Event. We love you Whit, Lindsey, and sweet Jonas and Baby Maggie. We are grateful to you and the example you have set for "ALL" of us.


The Lilly's said...

I was sad I had to work and wasn't able to be there, but I'm so glad to hear it was a huge success!