Friday, April 22, 2011


We have a basket for shoes by our back door. Easton climbed into one day, and just hung out with all the shoes. Tinker we sure miss you! He has finally grown into his big head :) If only we was still that small.

This was so funny. He was hiding under his pillow, with just his head sticking out. Of course when I got the camera he decided to move.

No babies for Easton. We got him fixed last week. He got to wear this lovely cone for 10 days. He actually didn't seem to mind it, believe it or not. Having a puppy is sure a pain, but we have had lots of fun with him though. He is a lot of work!


Anonymous said...

We are looking for Brandon for his 20 year high school reunion. Information can be found at We hope to see you in August!